If you still have more questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

Individuals often come to us unsure whether they need coaching or therapy. That's just OK! Our Client Coordinator will advise you on where to begin during your New Client Intro Call. We've also created a quiz comparing treatment and coaching to help you decide.

Therapy: For those who need to comprehend and recover due to adversity, trauma, suffering, or loss.

Coaching: For people in excellent health who want to go ahead in life by taking action.

‎You will be able to meet with your counselor on a weekly or bimonthly basis for three, six, or longer periods.

We have a 48-hour cancellation policy. Our practitioners welcome prior notification to make the appropriate preparations for your appointment, which is then uniquely arranged for you. This implies that appointments canceled with less than 48 hours’ notice will be fully charged. ‎